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Jamie has worked wonders with my Hunter/Jumpers Launching Pad and Bronster. She is honest and will let me know if one of my guys doesn't need a lot of bodywork, if that is the case.  When they do need it, she makes an amazing difference. Launching Pad has experienced radical changes in his body and behavior. For years previously, he required heavy tranquilizers for the farrier.  I had tried chiropractic work, carrot stretches, had the vet look at him, you name it, I tried it.  After just a couple of sessions with Jamie, LP no longer needs tranquilizers and is getting rave reviews from the farrier about his behavior.  We did nothing different aside from introducing Jamie's work.  She is patient, gentle, and does a great job of listening to what the horse is telling her.  One day I walked past the stall where she was working with him and saw LP buck a little bit while she was working on him. I immediately went to scold him, but she said, "wait, no, he's actually helping". LP knew she was doing something good for him and was really trying hard to get that release that would make him feel better.  While LP was wary of her at the first session, they are now close friends and look forward to seeing each other.  She really has magic hands!

Caitlin Hubbard - trainer and owner of Hubbard Equine

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Kimberly Erickson - trainer and owner of Erickson Stables

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