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About Your Practitioner

Jamie grew up on a farm in eastern Washington. Her father shared her love for animals and in addition to their existing "pack" of chickens, quail, dogs, cats and sheep the family often took in and cared for injured or stray animals including wild geese, owls, cats, dogs.  Spare time was spent on the back of horses and motorcycles in rural areas.


In California Jamie began her animal career as a volunteer with wildlife education programs. From there she began working with animals in the movie industry for a few years. She received invaluable experience working with non-human primates, Binturong, wolves, mini hippo, zebra, seals and sea lions and camels. Eventually she found her way back to Washington where she worked in the veterinary research industry for 20 years. She earned her license as a Veterinary Technician and attended more programs that expanded her technical knowledge and provided her with numerous animal care certifications.


Jamie has loved horses her entire life and often found herself wondering if there was a way to turn this passion into a new career. After years of soul searching, in 2016 she began studies to become a well rounded healer. Jamie attended the Equine Natural Movement School which offers certification in equine Structural Integration bodywork for horses, the Northwest School for Animal Massage to study animal acupressure and Reiki for Life to become a certified Reiki Practitioner for both animals and people. 

Jamie Kenfield, LVT, LAMP, CRP

Equine Structural Integration Practitioner

Level II Reiki Practitioner



Equine massage/structural integration is not intended to replace medical or veterinary healthcare. Practitioners do not provide medical diagnosis, prescribe medications, perform surgical procedures, or provide chiropractic manipulations.

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