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Specializing in Equine Structural Integration

Whether your horse is a long time companion for pleasure riding, or is a champion athlete competing at a Grand Prix level or fits somewhere in between. At one time or another, every horse owner has had concerns for their horse's well-being and performance.


Perhaps your equine partner has had some recent performance changes when you ask him to go up a steep incline on a course, or to take that cutting turn, or simply to lift his leg so you can look at his hoof. Maybe at first you don't think much of it, he's just having an "off" day. But then he starts nipping or kicking  when you touch or are just near a certain part of his body. Often times these behavior changes can be due to pain from connective tissue that has tightened and simply won't allow movement without pain. After awhile they will simply stop doing that particular movement in order to avoid pain, and can act out negatively in an effort to protect the problem area.


You and your horse have been regularly progressing in training and then one day you notice you have reached a plateau. Is her stride shorter than it used to be? How's that extension or collection? It's not always obvious when there is a connective tissue problem if there has not been an injury. 


Let's Not Forget About Those Athletic Dogs

Perhaps you and your canine partner search for missing people on a Search and Rescue team, or maybe your dog is a busy herder, competes in agility or French Ring. Any of these activities can create overuse of certain tissues in the body leading to tight holding patterns. These holding patterns can eventually lead to pain and weakening of the body. Your dog slows down, or misses that jump that didn't used to be a problem, their endurance has decreased, etc. Structural integration can release those holding patterns and get your dog back to their former performance level. CALL ME TODAY and let's chat.

What is Structural Integration?

In short, structural integration is hands-on bodywork that focuses on lengthening and releasing the holding patterns in the fascia (otherwise known as connective tissue), allowing the body to return to its structurally optimal position.


 In response to repetitive strain, misuse, trauma and disease the fascial tissue shortens and thickens causing imbalance resulting in stiffness, discomfort and loss of energy. The unbalanced body will compensate and adjust to the cumulative misalignment. Think of fascia as one single web that holds us together. When one section tightens, it pulls in all directions. The fascia gives the body it's structure and stability by surrounding the muscles, organs, bones and fills the "empty" spaces between structures of the body. It is also our tendons (connects muscle to bone) and ligaments (connects bone to bone).


What is fascia's function?

  • stores and insulates (i.e. water and fat)

  • provides stability (i.e. holds our organs in place)

  • 23% of the body’s total water composition

    • It’s very important to keep you and your horse properly hydrated!

  • reduces friction by providing water to muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, etc. thus allowing flexibility


How can it help?


  • Promotes power and strength through efficient use of the animal's body

  • Increases energy, impulsion and vibrancy

  • Accentuates grace and fluidity

  • Heightens precision and responsiveness

  • Reduces risk of injuries

  • Promotes effectiveness of other therapies

  • Encourages better attitude

  • Gives the muscles the ability to relax and loosen

  • Provides balanced posture with greater flexibility

  • Enhances range of motion and ease

  • Optimizes overall performance

  • Improves coordination


Maybe your prize bull has lost some of his power coming out of the chute? This type of bodywork is successful for all types of animals. I'm open to working with just about anything. I love them all!


If you have experienced any of the above, and have tried other healing modalities without success then it's time to give Structural Integration bodywork a try. CALL ME TODAY! I am here to help.

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